Pallet truck for transporting pallets

Sim­ply move the pallets
With pal­let trucks from Rol­len­shop No. 1, you can move pal­le­ti­zed goods in the warehouse effi­ci­ent­ly and effort­less­ly. The manu­al pro­duct models offe­red here are ide­al for trans­port­ing all con­ven­tio­nal Euro pal­lets. Find out here, find the most sui­ta­ble model for you and order your pal­let truck at a reasonable price.

Hea­vy duty, effi­ci­ent and reliable
Pal­let trucks, like pede­stri­an sta­cker or pal­let sta­ckers, are an enorm­ous reli­ef in the warehouse. They pro­vi­de sup­port during the effi­ci­ent trans­port of goods and offer good maneu­vera­bi­li­ty and also in nar­row ais­les. With a diver­se and lar­ge sel­ec­tion, pro­ducts from the Rol­len­shop No. 1 enjoy­ed gre­at popu­la­ri­ty in manu­fac­tu­ring, sto­rage, retail and in the pri­va­te sec­tor. The load capa­ci­ties vary depen­ding on the model. Nevert­hel­ess, the Rol­len­shop No. 1 offers a very wide port­fo­lio of spe­cial sizes.

The pal­let is lifted by moving the draw­bar up and down. A hand lever on the til­ler draws it out again in a dosed man­ner. The load capa­ci­ty varies depen­ding on the model.

Spe­cial dimen­si­ons and properties
We offer the rela­ted model for every requi­re­ment. It can still be moved for­wards and back­wards. With pal­let trucks from the Rol­len­shop No. 1, over­si­zed pal­le­ti­zed goods can also be trans­por­ted per­fect­ly. More models with spe­cial dimen­si­ons or fea­tures can be found here on the page.

Rol­ler equipment
Dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments requi­re dif­fe­rent roles. Rub­ber rol­lers are quiet and offer excel­lent grip. They are best sui­ted for uneven flo­ors and for use on truck loa­ding board walls. Nylon rolls are always smooth again and have a hard and abra­si­on-resistant tread. They are less quiet, but they are also wear-resistant. This type of rol­ler equip­ment is sui­ta­ble for hea­vy loads or smooth sur­faces. The smooth-run­ning poly­ure­tha­ne rol­lers (PU) are not only resistant to abra­si­on, but also have low rol­ling resis­tance. Bumps are easi­ly rol­led over and are sui­ta­ble as a com­pro­mi­se in the midd­le of smooth­ness and rol­ling resis­tance. The rol­lers feel most com­for­ta­ble on sen­si­ti­ve sur­faces or hard surfaces.

Pal­let truck with sepa­ra­te dimensions
Every com­pa­ny has its spe­ci­fic dimen­si­ons, why not also order a device with sepa­ra­te dimen­si­ons? Cont­act our com­pe­tent staff today and dis­cuss your wish in a per­so­nal con­ver­sa­ti­on. Call us or send us an email. We are loo­king for­ward to your challenge!

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