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Spe­cial offers, bar­gains, pro­mo­ti­ons, one-off pro­ducts and spe­cial items

Spe­cial offers and more: On this page you will always find high­ligh­ted spe­cial wheels and cas­tors such as Fork rol­lers, Dri­ve wheels, Solid rub­ber wheels and Ban­da­ges out of Roll­shop No. 1.

Visit the Roll­shop No. 1 regu­lar­ly and bene­fit from spe­cial offers. If you sub­scri­be to our news­let­ter, you will recei­ve the latest offers imme­dia­te­ly in your email inbox.

Do you have a lar­ge requi­re­ment? Ask our com­pe­tent cus­to­mer ser­vice or Wri­te us. The Roll­shop No. 1 will imme­dia­te­ly prepa­re a tail­or-made offer for you.

For a per­so­nal con­ver­sa­ti­on we are also available by pho­ne (0 41 61) 7 49 79 81 Mon­day to Fri­day from 9 am to 5 pm.

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1 item — 78,50